04.14.2013: The Seven Soul Site Goes LIVE

Today, we carved out a little niche of the internet just for Seven Soul and our favorite SoulMates: www.SevenSoulChicago.com. I know what you're thinking... with all of the other social media outlets in the interwebs, why bother?

BECAUSE WE CAN. Muaaahhhhaa!!!

But, more seriously, this site gives us a place to bring it all together. It's our Seven Soul hub. We'll give you a little eye candy, a LOT of ear candy, and some sweet access to our calendar, biographies (we'll quiz you later!), and booking info.

So, while you're here, sign up on our mailing list, and you won't have to worry about ever missing out on all of the juicy Seven Soul tidbits. Yeah, that's right.... tidbits.

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